Russell Brunson Expert Secrets Summary

Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels, known as the king of the sales funnel and a digital marketing expert, introduced a book called Expert Secrets.

This book is a comprehensive guide on how experts choose the best niche as an entrepreneur. It spills the expert secrets of successfully building a mass movement and effective communication tactics that resonate with your customer.

In this Russell Brunson Expert Secrets summary, I will show you what the book is about and how you can benefit from it.

What is the Russell Brunson Expert Secrets Book?Russell Brunson Expert Secrets Summary

Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson is a follow-up book to his bestseller book that is DotCom Secrets.

Releated Post: DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets—Do you need these Books?

With Brunson’s trademark style, he made plenty of examples about his entrepreneurial journey when he was able to create mass followers and how he converted these followers to loyal customers, which eventually became the key of ClickFunnels’ success.

Expert Secrets book is helpful to

  • People who want to sell information products directly (Tutorials, eBooks, Consulting etc.)
  • People who want to use information products as a way to introduce their other business.

By reading Expert Secrets, you will find out the strategies and correct mindset that you have to apply so you can achieve marketing goals.

It will also teach you that you are already an expert, so all you need to do is master your business forte and develop it effectively to make an impact on other people’s lives, including yours.


Let us look inside Russell Brunson’s Expert Secrets:

Robert Kiyosaki wrote the foreword for Expert Secrets, and that is another reason why you must read this book, as he is an American businessman who has comprehensive knowledge about personal finance and business education.

According to Kiyosaki’s foreword, Expert Secrets can turn your skills and abilities to a business that will work for you, as you can use it as a shortcut to a prosperous life.

Here are several things that you will learn in this book:

  1. Future Cause

One aspect that intrigues mass followers are the future causes that appear bigger than they are, you can capitalize that by creating future-based objectives for you, your audience and the community.

All you need to do is make them believe in what you can do and help them know if they can do it too. By then, you can create a name for yourself in the industry.

  1. Information as a Powerful Tool

At the beginning of Expert Secrets, it tells you that you are already an expert entrepreneur and you can use information as a powerful tool to:

  • Attract customers
  • Increase desire
  • Demand customer attention
  • Sell effectively
  1. Selling Information Products

When selling information products, you do not need a startup capital or a venture- all you need are powerful and captivating stories that will intrigue your target audience.

It is a great start if you have many life lessons as you can just package them into:

  • Information Products
  • Coaching
  • Consulting
  • Tutorials

If you enjoy teaching and you are influential, you can grow your business line.

  1. Three Core Markets

Expert Secrets teaches you that you already are an expert, so you have to understand that most expert business is based on the following Three Core Markets:

  • Wealth – submarkets: Finance, Investing, Real Estate Sales etc.
  • Health – submarkets: Diet, Nutrition, Strength Training, Weight Loss etc.
  • Relationships – submarkets: Marriage Advice, Dating Advice, Love

In each core markets, submarket exists, and you may find your area of expertise fit on these submarkets.  However, Brunson clearly emphasizes in Expert Secrets that the six figures income will not come from a submarket as the riches are in niches.

You must find the appropriate market environment where you can flex your expertise.

By doing this, you can separate yourself from the competition. That expertise will serve as your niche, a niche that guides an expert like you to success.

  1. Creating a Belief

In this section, Expert Secrets teach you to dive in deeply on the minds of your followers so you can convert them to life-long customers.

Russell said that once you can get an audience to believe in a particular thing that you offer, there will be no objections and it will change the course of your business positively.

How can you get the Russell Brunson’s Expert Secrets?Russell Brunson Expert Secrets Summary

You can get a copy of Expert Secrets by finding the paperback edition for $9.97, or you can avail an audiobook version for $0.00 on Amazon.

However, if you want to avail the paperback edition for free, you can go through his website (, and all he will ask from you is a payment for the shipping fee which is at least $9.95 in the US and $19.95 if international.

If you want the total package, then you can order the Black Box Bundle that is $37, as it includes The Dot Com Secrets and Expert Secrets book.

Is Russell Brunson’s Expert Secrets for you?

You may be wondering if the secrets and strategies that this book suggest are appropriate for you or your business, and that is why I made a list. This book is highly recommended to:

  • ClickFunnels users
  • Influencer / Affiliate Marketer
  • Entrepreneurs who want to increase revenue and grow their business
  • Experts / Entrepreneur
  • People who want to be expert entrepreneur or marketer

To put it simply, Expert Secrets can cater to anyone interested in marketing and entrepreneurship. Even if you have no experience as one, you can still read this so you will have the idea on how to begin your journey.


Russell Brunson Expert Secrets Book Summary

In any business, hard work is a crucial, this is what makes it successful in the industry.

However, it does not completely rely on customer retention alone, as you need to grow the number of your customers and attract new ones consistently.

The difference between customer retention and customer attraction is that inviting new customers cost more, so you have to move like an expert and be a great business leader.

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