Email Marketing Specialist Job Description

An email marketing specialist is one who does a lot of things. They typically use tools like ConvertKit or GetResponse. This person is usually a part of a large marketing team, and it is the duty of this person to fulfill client requirements.

Like what? Today, I will show you what an email marketing specialist does. You will learn what they do daily. In addition, I will throw in some tips on how you can be an email marketing specialist.

Tasks of an Email Marketing Specialist

Here are the main duties and responsibilities of an email marketing specialist.

Email Marketing Specialist Job Description

1. Create a campaign

A campaign is a plan. You must plan and strategize how you want to improve the sales of your client. It is not always sales that you will target. Sometimes, a client wants you to increase their email subscription rate.

So, in essence, you will lead the marketing strategy of your client. Some things that you must do are:

  • Plan the frequency of sending the email
  • Determine who should get the email
  • Understand what the target consumer needs

The plan is where the success of the program lies. If you do not make a god plan, you will be disorganized, and you will fail your clients.

2. Create copy

What is copy? Copy is written content where you convince the customer or reader to do something. Every written and spoken text in marketing is copy.

As a copywriter, you want to convince the reader to buy, download, click, etc. It is not an easy thing to do.

What you want here is to be able to write an email that attracts attention. You need to learn how to write a headline, email content, and a call-to-action. You can take an online copywriting course if you want to learn more.

Copy comes in many forms. There is short-form copy and long-form copy. You can also write copy in the form of a script. Since you are an email marketing specialist, you will not write scripts but email content that convinces the person reading it to take action.

3. Create graphics

You must learn how to create graphic arts as an email marketing specialist. Why is this necessary? Well, emails that have graphics have a better response rate.

These graphics are simple. You do not even need to learn photoshop to do this. You just need to be able to create simple graphic art that embodies the message of the email.

In addition, it would help if you knew how to remove the background of a subject, so you could paste that onto a new background and add text.

4. Create an email database

It is your task to create an email database and also maintain this database. No, you do not have to do it in Excel. You will do it on a software program like GetResponse.

An email database is nothing more than a list of email addresses. On top of that, you have the customer’s name and location, like state or city.

You will also need to maintain this database. If you notice that the customer is no longer responsive, you must remove that customer or subscriber from your database as it is a waste of resources.

5. Create sign-up forms

A sign-up form is a form where a potential subscriber would type his email address. Usually, this form is a pop-up.

You do not need to learn how to code to do this. The client’s website already has a drag-and-drop email sign-up form template. All you have to do is change the text and layout.

This is not difficult to do. All you need to know is that there must be harmony in what you do. For example, your fonts must be easy to read. Your colors must also match the branding scheme of your client.

6. Create Reports

The last thing will do as an email marketing specialist reports. As such, you must have critical analytic skills. You will present reports that will tell the clients how your services are helping them.

For example, you must present a weekly update like how many emails you sent. How many email addresses have you purged, how many new subscribers are there, etc.

In addition, you must be able to provide recommendations, identify the root causes of the problem, action plans, etc. With analytics, you can impress your client and tell them what they need to know about their business and how they can improve.

How to be an email marketing specialist

Email Marketing Specialist Job Description

Here are the skills you need to become an email marketing specialist:

  • Copywriting – copywriting is a branch of writing where you convince people to take action. It is the style of writing where you help your client make a sale. Action refers to anything that a reader can and will do like signing up, buying, registering, trying something, clicking a button, playing a game, downloading a book or a game, etc.
  • Data science – data science is a process where you use analytics to make so you can make something out of it. What you want to do here is to extract valuable information so you can make reasonable and rational business decisions.
  • Graphic design – you do not have to be a professional graphic designer. However, you must learn how to create simple graphic art like newsletter banners, images, etc. You can use free software programs like CANVA if you want.

Of course, you must understand marketing and branding strategies. You must possess the knowledge of writing copy and why you are doing it. At the end of the day, you are responsible for making sure that your clients get a sale or at least increase their subscription rate.


Do you want to be an email marketing specialist? If so, the first thing you must do is understand the roles and responsibilities of one. Then, you can practice by using tools like a free autoresponder for affiliate marketing. Do it now—start a website and an affiliate marketing business so you can test your skills!