How To Create An Ebook Funnel With ClickFunnels

One of the easiest products that you can sell is an eBook, provided that the book is an educational one. To be able to sell this product, you have to create a funnel for it. But how do you make one with ClickFunnels?

This is what I want to share with you today. If you have written an eBook already, or if your ghostwriter has already done it for you, you need a way to sell it. Today, I will show you the steps you have to take to create a sales funnel.

PART 1: Creating an eBook Funnel

The first step is to complete the entire process is to create a funnel. To do this, log in to your ClickFunnels and then do the following:

  • Choose Build a Funnel
  • Select Classic Funnel > Create New Funnel
  • Select Sell Your Product > Choose Sales Funnel
  • Enter the name of your funnel
  • Select the template > choose one for eBook
  • Edit page

Once you are done editing the template, you have to select an Order Page template. You will find this in the left sidebar. Just click in ORDER CONFIRMATION. After clicking this, you have to choose the template for the order page.

The next step is to select the THANK YOU PAGE. It is the page that the customer sees after making the payment. Choose a template and then edit it according to your colour scheme.

Somewhere in this process, you will be required to upload your eBook. Make sure that your eBook is in a readable format. What I suggest is that you give your eBook in PDF. All mobile devices can process PDFs. If you want, you can also send the eBook in other formats like ePub.

PART 2: Polishing the Funnel 

The landing page is what you have to pay attention to. Without an effective landing page, you will be wasting a lot of leads. In this second and last step, I will share important tips on how you can make a landing page that converts.

Choose a Clean Design

The first step to making an effective landing page is simplicity. Do not make a landing page that is cluttered with colours and lots of words. With simplicity, what I mean is that you have to carefully place your images, videos, and texts in a format that is easy to the eye.

A landing page like this requires planning and skills. Thankfully, you do not have to go through all these things. ClickFunnels have hundreds of templates that you can choose from.

In addition to this, you have to choose a colour palette that matches your eBook design. If your eBook cover uses yellow and black, then your landing page must also use the same theme.

Use Headers the Right Way

What is a header?

A header or a headline is like a title—it is your banner text. The main characteristic of a good header is that it attracts attention. This should be written in bold and in large text.

Here are some tips on how to write a good header:

  • Understand your market – the first thing you have to do is to know who your target market is. For example, your target market may be dentists, and in this case, you will write a headline that has something to do with dental practitioners.
  • Make a promise – this is where the power of attention comes from. You have to make a promise that the reader will immediately see. For example, you can say things like “Make a Website without Learning How to Code!”
  • Ask a question – the third approach is to use a question, mostly to appeal to people who are experiencing a problem. A good example is “Are you tired of living with diabetes?”

As you can see, a headline is what catches attention. It gives the reader a clear idea of what your eBook is about. On some occasions, it makes sense that the title of your eBook is the same as your landing page headline.

Focus on the Benefits

The next thing you have to remember when writing your landing page is to provide a list of benefits. As you write this, use the correct format.

A good way to write it is to use bullet points. Enumerate them and explain a little bit about the benefit. Do not turn this into a long and winding paragraph. What you want is for this content to be skimmable.

Use Trust Signals

The last tip I have is to use trust signals. These are symbols. If you have ever seen a good landing page, then you know that there are logos out there.

For your book, you can use trust signals of computer security, credit card symbols, and many more. If you can get feedback from people, and also their photos, then all the better.

Trust signals give your readers a reason to believe what you are saying. If you use trust badges that they are familiar with, like credit card symbols, they will “believe” that you are legit and that you are not just scamming them out of their money.

Summary: How to Create an eBook Funnel with ClickFunnels

An eBook ClickFunnels is just one of the hundreds of ways to make money with ClickFunnels. However, you have to do it right. First of all, make sure that your eBook is good, and that the cover is attractive enough for the user to buy.

The landing page is the second thing that you have to focus on. Building the funnel process itself is easy—all you have to do is to click some buttons and the ClickFunnels system will do it for you. The problem, however, is how effective the funnel is going to be.

To do it right, you have to go back to the second step I mentioned here. Make sure you write your landing page the right way, or your leads will not be convinced that they should buy your book. Better yet, hire a professional writer who can create a landing page for you.